
Globalization includes internationalization and localization. Internationalization can be applied to various languages and regions. Localization fits the language and culture in a specific area as appending the language-specific components. CUBRID supports multilingual collations including Europe and Asia to facilitate the localization.

If you want to know overall information about character data setting, see Configuration Guide for Characters.

If you want to know about charset, collation and locale, see An Overview of Globalization.

For timezone type and realted functions, see Date/Time Types with Timezone. For timezone related system parameters, see Timezone Parameter. If you want to update a timezone information as a new one, timezone library should be recompiled; for details, see Compiling Timezone Library.

If you want to apply the wanted locale to the database, you have to set the locale firstly, then create the database. Regarding this setting, see Locale Setting.

If you want to change the collation or charset specified on the database, specify COLLATE modifier or CHARSET modifier to the column, table, expression, and specify COLLATE modifier or Charset Introducer to the string literal. Regarding this setting, see Collation.

The functions or operators related to strings can work differently by charset and collation. Regarding this, see Operations Requiring Collation and Charset.